Monday, August 26, 2019

What is Areté?

          Arete, in basic sense means "excellence of any kind". It is usually used as a "moral virtue", or a way of life. One of the earliest places where it first appeared was in Greek, it was the act of living up one's full potential. Many people such as Greek and Trojan heroes used this word, and believed in "virtue and arete comes from knowledge". The ancient Greeks always used this word and applied it to anything in life. It was also believed to be part of our mind, body, and soul, and that we must maintain it and have it excellent.
Image result for greek philosophy

          Many today practice this way of life. There are many organizations like the Arete women's running club, who practice this and have it as a stable mind set. Many apply it to everything in life, which have made it peaceful, and loving. In fact, many today want to be in a peaceful environment, and doing so, you need arete. 

          Each achieved an amazing life and feel free and clean in concious.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Speaking to People ;)

Today I spoke to four people:
  • Sebastian
  • Crystal
  • Darlene
  • Gabriel
They all had interesting stories about their summer. To summarize, I'll keep it simple and just say a sentence about each person. Sebastian went to Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico for a week. Crystal went to San Diego, and then went to the the zoo. Darlene went to Palm Springs and then went camping. Gabriel went to Malibu, from there he went to Ventura, and then he went to Sequoia and camped there.

What I did in Summer!

Image result for six flags magic mountain entranceWhat did I do?

I did plenty, but for the sake of time, I'll only choose three events I did during the summer.

The first event was going to Six Flags on June 8th. I went with a group of friends, and was able to make more on throughout this fun trip. Even though it was very packed, we had a fun time, and we were able to go to 3 rides, one of them being Goliath. It was my first time going to Goliath, and I had so much fun.

The second thing I did this summer was camping! We went to Lake Casitas Recreation Area. It was fun, we spent most of our times playing board games, as well as going to this water park in that area. Although I don't have any photos on my phone, I have one photo of my friend creating a torch out of a chunk of wood from our bonfire.

The third thing I did was eat ramen for the first time. This was authentic ramen which was great. It was from a place called Silverlake Ramen. We have a couple of buddies who have been wanting to take us since a while. Eventually plans came through, and I'm glad i was able to try this dish.

What is Areté?

          Arete, in basic sense means "excellence of any kind". It is usually used as a "moral virtue", or a way of life...